Monday, July 1, 2013

Exciting Weekend

I didn't have a post up Friday because this mama has been busy. I mean ridiculously busy.

But.. this weekend was a blast

On Friday night we went and watched one of my very best friend's son play baseball. It is no secret that Anna loves anything to do with baseball/softball and all of the attention she gets from her Aunt Mary and Uncle Tyler so she had a good time. His team won and he played great!

Saturday we hit the water park with our favorite cousins. I didn't get a shot of all 3 of them, but they thought it was super fun! We also went to dinner with Anthony's parents and went with them to pick out/set up an iPad for his mom.

Anna hates water in her eyes, so she wore these crazy goggles

And finally Sunday we acquired tickets to Country Stampede in Manhattan, KS to see Randy Houser. We were given what we thought were meet and greets, and boy were we surprised when we found out they were really backstage seats. Annabelle shook her booty off, and sang like crazy. Randy Houser even re-tweeted her picture. She let me know after the concert that she loved him, and he loved her so that means that they are married. Everywhere we go she gets so much attention, I know she is cute but she also has such a sweet personality and talks to everyone everywhere.

This weekend was a blast, I love my little family and I love being able to give Annabelle great memories.

-- Mel

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