Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4th of July

The 4th of July is almost here and it is one of my most very favorite holidays. We usually have a party for all of our friends and family. The kids swim and play in sprinklers and the adults usually eat and gossip and shoot off fireworks. I cannot wait!

Here are some pictures of Annabelle's outfits over her years, because we all know I love clothes.

Her outfits her first 4th, and yes I realize that she doesn't look like the same kid in those two pictures but I promise she is!

Her second 4th, I didn't get a good picture of her outfit.

Her third 4th, this is not from the actual day.. but it is the same outfit she wore!

She will be oh so cute this year too!

I hope you enjoy your day with your friends and family!

-- Mel

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