Monday, May 6, 2013

Some of our TV favorites

Anthony and I like to do things together and we have been in a relationship so long that our tastes have become pretty similar in most things. We enjoy sitting together and watching TV after Annabelle has gone to bed for the night, it's a good time to sit and relax and wind down from the day together.

 Over the years we have gone from watching "my shows" and "his shows" to our shows, there are a few things we don't both enjoy but for the most part we are on the same page. So today I'm going to give you a run down of some of our favorites.

Castle is our favorite show and we have been watching it for years now. It is a love/crime solvers show, which is probably why we both love it. A little bit of romance for me, and a little bit of killing for him. 

We recently discovered this show, we couldn't get enough. We actually purchased hulu plus just so we could watch all of the episodes to catch up to this season. My mom had been telling me about how great it was but I didn't think it was for me.. let me tell you it is an amazing show. You have to watch it.

I started watching Pretty Little Liars when I was on maternity leave with Annabelle. It is one of those shows that we do not miss. It is one of the highest on our DVR list. To say that I was surprised that Anthony actually enjoyed this show is an understatement. 

Duck Dynasty... if you have never watched this show you are missing out on some great belly laughs. It's one of those shows that you can start watching at any point, but if I were you I would start with the first season.

Teen Mom 2 is a guilty pleasure of mine. I used to watch the original Teen Mom before and I have to be honest that I will be really really sad if there are no more seasons of Teen Mom 2. Disclaimer- Anthony does not like this show so I watch it when he is not home.

And probably my most guilty pleasure is Dance Moms, I love this show. I feel like I shouldn't since Abby is so mean to the girls but I can't keep from watching it. 

So there you have it, here are our favorites. On my DVR you will also find shows like 19 kids and counting, Brady Bunch, The Vanilla Ice Project, The Cosby Show, anything with the Kardashians, and Married to Jonas. I realize that this makes me look like a TV addict, I promise I'm not! 


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