Monday, April 22, 2013

Oh Randy Houser

If you follow me on twitter (if you don't you should @Melodylb) anyway.. so if you follow me on twitter you have probably noticed my absurd amount of tweet to my favorite artist Randy Houser.

It's a little embarrassing, but seriously he is amazing.

Last year I was able to go to 3 of his concerts..

In June we went to Lincoln, Nebraska, it was so so hot. We got to the festival where he was going to be very early so we could be in the front row and stood for around 12 hours. It was an amazing show and we had an awesome time.
Lincoln, NE June 2012
In September I talked my husband into going on a trip for our Anniversary that included a stop to see the Houser in concert in Tulsa, OK. We made the stop at the Tulsa State Fair which was HUGE. Anthony and I had been to Tulsa before when he was thinking about taking a job there a few years ago. After Tulsa we headed to Eureka Springs, AR and then to Branson, MO. All in all it was a pretty good time and the local radio station in Tulsa gave me meet and greets to see Randy! It was amazing!
Tulsa, OK September 2012
The last show was an acoustic concert here in town, I was able to take my Aunt Dee with me and it was one of my most favorite shows I've been to.

Kansas City, MO December 2012

My sister and I had shirts made to wear to his concerts, don't judge me!
Top: Front of shirt
Bottom: Back of shirt

So seriously, his music rocks. His concerts are awesome.. take a listen.


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