Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Birthday Annabelle!


Folks I have a 3 year old. 3! How does time go so fast? I literally feel like just last week we brought her home from the hospital and now we have a little person. She talks and walks and sings just like us. 

This is where is gets a little mushy.

At 10:51 PM at 7 lbs 7 oz on April 29th, 2010 our sweet baby girl was born, she was the most beautiful baby her daddy and I had ever saw. 

Before Anna was born we suffered a miscarriage, our pregnancy was rough and I wanted so badly for my sweet baby girl. After a looong induction I couldn't believe that this perfect little girl belonged to us and she was here and REAL. 

My sweet Annabelle,

Your daddy and I feel like the most lucky parents. You are such an awesome kid! The last year has been great, you have learned and changed so so much! You count to fifteen, know 6 digits of our phone number, the street we live on and mommy and daddy's "grown up" names. Your favorite color is blue, and you wish we would paint everything blue and buy you all blue clothes. Your favorite shows are Backyardigans and the "lady" bunch aka the Brady Bunch. You love to eat any type of salad, ice cream and hamburgers. You are in dance class one night a week and you can't wait to play t-ball this summer. If you could spend your days with your family you are a happy girl. Addie, Andrew and Riley are your best friends and you tell mommy that every single day. You love to sit on the couch in between mommy and daddy after dinner and watch TV. You want to choose your clothes everyday and you love to get new shoes. You are an amazing girl and we are so lucky that you are ours. 

We can't wait to see what your 3rd year brings.

Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know.

Happy Birthday my Beautiful Girl.

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