Friday, April 26, 2013

Swim Lessons

This winter my mom thought it would be a great idea to sign all of the kids up for swimming lessons. The kids spend quite a bit of time at the lake, and around pools during the summer and my nephew had also been taking swimming lessons at the YMCA. He really thought it was the bee's knees. So we were signed up.

Swimming lessons are fun for the parents when you get to sit on the side and watch someone teach your kid to swim. HOWEVER, when your kid is 2 and you have to get in the water.. not so fun. I am not a swimmer at heart, I prefer to be dry and fully clothed. My little fish on the other hand loved it. She didn't do much since she was in the class with mainly kids under 1, but she had a good time getting in and splashing about. I had a good time buying her swimming suits.

My sister didn't want our girls to go swimming and then have to walk outside with wet heads so she went on a mission to find swimming caps for kids. She did, and they were the cutest things I have ever seen. I mean THE cutest.
Suit is Circo brand from a consignment sale $3

All in all I didn't think the lessons were very beneficial to Annabelle, it seemed like stuff she was already able to do. It will be better for her as she gets older and can move into a different group.  My niece and nephew really enjoyed their class, and it seemed like they were learning some of the basics of swimming.

You know I love buying clothes for my girl so here are 2 of the suits I have bought Anna, I also purchased the one above at a consignment sale and another that I don't have a picture of at a consignment sale.

Target $12.00

Walmart $12.97

-- Mel

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