Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Bedtime Sucks

So as I mentioned before we have a really cool kid named Annabelle. She has been a pain in the butt since she was in the womb, constantly trying to come out early and trying to get herself evicted for not cooperating. (That's another post for another day) Now that she is almost 3 (how is she almost 3?!) her sass is as entertaining as ever.

These days it's bedtime. You see a month or so ago I read something online about how your kid's beds should be on an interior wall rather than an exterior. This could be some completely made up bullshit or it could be the truth, that said I took it to heart and decided to re-arrange her room. Our house is small and her bedroom is small so that didn't leave a ton of options of places to put her bed. So I did what any good mom would do and moved her bed, only now she can see down the hallway and into our living room while she is laying in bed, yeah, that's become a bit of a problem.

We hear from down the hallway "Hey MOM, what are you and daddy doing?" "Daddy, are you watching a bunch of TV shows with my mommy?" "MOMMMM why are you not answering me?" "MOOOOM now I need to go potty!" "Mommy I'm scared of a monster in my closet, can you come lay with me?" "Daddy what are you eating? I want one too!"

This goes on for sometimes over an hour, if she isn't constantly needing me/us for something she is singing to her babies and animals. That seems like it would be oh so cute, and believe me when I hear her belting out This little light of mine it really does make my heart melt.. and then the singing goes on and on and on. Before we know it, it is past 10 o'clock. 10 o'clock is OUR bedtime since the husband has to be at work at 6AM.

It has been a constant battle at bedtime, and it all started with me moving her bed. I'm hoping that if I move it back it will make bedtime go back to normal.

What kind of bedtime battles do you have with your kid/s at night?


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