Monday, June 3, 2013


It's safe to say that everyone parents in their own way. There a million books on the "right" or "wrong" way to parent. There are books about how to potty train, discipline, how to make your kid a genius, how to teach them sign language, and hundreds of other topics. It seems today that parents have so much information shoved down our throats from when we find out we are pregnant, and it continues on forever. Sometimes it's nice to have a book to turn to when you have a question or need some ideas, but it can also be very overwhelming.

Becoming a parent is exciting, but it is also one of the most scary things you will do. You have this little person that will depend on you for everything from food to love it is a huge responsibility. As they get older you are in charge of what school they will go to, should they play a sport, or maybe dance? Should you feed them only organic food, is cow's milk bad? There are a million things you will have to decide and you will question your choices every single time.

The most important thing to remember is something my mom has told me, YOU are the mom (or dad) no one else, it is YOUR decision and ultimately you know what is best.

Be confident in your decisions, if you are making the best choices for your family, no one else's opinions matter.  When you see your happy baby/child you will know what's right.

-- Mel

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