Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Spider-Man has big boobies!

Annabelle is obsessed with Spider-Man these days. She received a few Spider-Man action figures (I guess in the boy world they aren't called dolls) and a Spider-Man mask.
Wearing her mask!
As I have mentioned before we coach an 8&u softball team, well one of the awesome parents knew about our Spidey obsession and brought a Spider-Man costume that her kids had outgrown. Oh.My.Gosh. Annabelle was so stinking excited. She couldn't wait to put it on as soon as we got home. She put it on and immediately reached up to her chest and exclaimed "Spider-Man has big boobies!!" She said it about 15 times. Anthony and I almost died. It is one of those moments where as a parent you keep tucked away for when they are grown because it was so funny and innocent. 

She loved her Spider-Man costume so much that she even slept in it that night.

I will add this time as one of the awesome moments of parenting. <3 p="">


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