Friday, May 24, 2013

Crazy Car Seat Lady

If you know me, you know that nothing gets under my skin like a kid riding in the car without the proper car seat. Car seats do not have to be very expensive, and if you have a child it is your responsibility to keep them safe. There are also quite a few programs available to those who cannot afford a car seat.

The first thing that drives me crazy is when parents do not use the straps properly. The chest clip should be at the child's chest, not their belly button. The straps should be tight enough that you cannot pinch them.

The second thing is making sure your child is in the RIGHT seat, they should not be in a booster seat until they are at LEAST 4 years old AND (notice that is not an OR) 40 pounds. The new recommendation is for kids to ride rear facing until they are at least 2 years old, longer if you can. People will argue that kids don't have anywhere to put their legs, but they are fine to sit with them crossed.

The third thing is putting your kid in the car seat with big coats on. Your child is not going to freeze from the walk outside from the house to the car or the car to school/store. You may think the straps are tight, but the force from an accident will cause the coat to compress and it will no longer be safe.

A car seat is a car seat is a car seat, some have extra features but all must pass the same safety requirements.

Annabelle currently rides in a Britax Frontier 85 in the cowmooflage print. She is heavier and weighs over 40 pounds, it was important that she could remain in a 5 point harness for a long long time.

We went with the Britax because of the extended option for the 5 point harness, but it also had some other nice features. I have come to love the seat and if we ever have another baby he/she will have a Britax convertible.

Annabelle had a Bertini B5 travel system and then she had an Evenflo triumph, both were okay but not nearly as nice.
Sweet tiny baby Annabelle, because I never miss a chance to look at her pictures as a tiny baby.

I don't claim to be a car seat expert but if you have any questions feel free to ask.

-- Mel

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