Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Picking a paint color

Why is it so hard to pick a paint color? WHY?

When we moved into our house it was freshly painted with a mustardy yellow color. I actually really like the mustardy yellow color. However, it is flat paint. In case you didn't know flat paint plus a toddler = a disaster. Everything that gets splattered on the wall (think spaghetti sauce in the dining room) or when she colors on the wall cannot be cleaned off without taking the paint off too. It has been horrible. I would take a picture and show you but I am too embarrassed of how the walls look.

So we have decided it is time to paint. Easy decision, but what color? I think I have settled on a blue/gray color. But which one? Then I thought maybe tan.. but I didn't like that at all.

Hopefully I can pick something and pick something fast because these walls are making me feel crazy!

What color would you pick?


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