Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A little about my amazing hubby

Ok, so I know people get irritated when a couple is all mushy on facebook or twitter, and some think that if you are overly loving to one another then you are secretly hiding something bad going on. So here's a heads up, this post might be a little mushy and I promise that we are both happy and in love with eachother..

I have had posts about a lot of things here, but I haven't made one about my other half. Anthony and I met while we both worked at Best Buy, he actually trained me. I'm pretty sure I told my mom after our first date that I was going to marry him.

We have been through a lot together over the last 8 years, we have grown as 2 individuals and we have grown as a couple. I couldn't have picked a better daddy for our girl, or a better husband for myself. I so enjoy the time we get to spend together, he makes me laugh and lets me know how loved I am.

Everyday I am so thankful for the hard worker he is and always has been. He works his tail off to provide for our family.

So to my amazing husband, I love you more than words could say. I'm so thankful that we have one another.

Here come my pictures.

-- Mel

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