Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Weekend at the lake

This past weekend we were able to spend it at the lake with my parents. Anthony and I really enjoy being able to get away for a bit and just relax. We don't have any cell phone service, I don't have to vacuum the rug 17 times a day, no TV, no bedtimes, and no alarm clocks (except for kiddos) it's somewhere we like to be.
My parents purchased a few acres near Truman Lake, their property is off a gravel road and when you are there the only sounds you hear are the kids laughing, ATV's on occasion and the radio.. It's a great place to decompress where I can let Annabelle run around and not worry about someone kidnapping her or worrying about her running into a busy street. She usually comes back with dirt ground into her, a few bug bites and scraped knees. She doesn't have TV shows to watch, and only a few toys she has to use her imagination to play.
On the way!

-- Mel

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